Five Ways To Thrift

Hello,  hello! As we have established here on my blog - thrifting is a massive passion of mine. So in keeping with this theme I thought I'd discuss the five different ways in which you can shop sustainable fashion, and the key pros and cons of each, or at least what I think the pros and cons are.  You never know, one thing may be more you than another.

1. Charity Shops / Thrift Shops

These are what I have discussed before on my blog - and if you want to read about my thrifting tips then the blog post on it is here.


  • Good variety of items
  • Most items are relatively cheap
  • Discount shops are even cheaper
  • Can be found in near enough every town / city
  • The items have to fit a certain criteria, so everything should be in good condition

  • The prices of items depends on your area (especially in Cities) 
  •  Items might have been researched so up ticking prices can occur
Charity Shopping is my favourite way to thrift, as it is reliable and I have my favourite areas and shops that I like to go too. Once you find an area that suits you, you stick too it.

2. Vintage Shops

The enhanced charity shop, but without the charity aspect. 

  • Great selection of hand picked items
  • "true" vintage
  • Unique / one of a kind items
  • A more condensed selection of items you are more likely to want
  • More likely to come away with a purchase
  • Very expensive / overpriced 
  • Not as easy to find as charity shops - more shops in city centres
I love vintage shops, especially those within Manchester (they have the BEST shops, and ones that aren't too overpriced as well). However due to my success charity shopping I am always stunned with how much certain items can cost, especially items like flannel shirts and t shirts. They always have a selection of everything that I would want, however I am a bit of a scrooge and refuse to pay the prices (especially when I was a student) I also think it's more special when you find a diamond in the rough, rather than something that has already been scouted (probably from a charity shop or carboot!)

3. Carboots

My favourite way to thrift in the summer, and it keeps you fit too! 

  • Probably the cheapest way to thrift 
  • Can haggle on prices!
  • keeps you fit - your walking long distances but don't even realise it
  • A lot of fun 
  • Wide variety of sellers


  • Weather permitting (unless indoors) 
  • Less reliable 
  • Usually a small cost to get in (50p/£1) 
  • Not as accessible
For me car-booting is the most exciting and fun way to thrift in the warmer months, it can literally be the highlight of my week. I love find hidden treasures and gems for bargain prices. However they are weather permitting, the nicer the weather the better the turnout. If you don't know of any in your area give it a google search, I think everyone should go at least once just to experience it (and have a laugh in the process!)

4.  eBay

The most popular / well known online buy and sell retailer, and the most trusted.

  • Online
  • Good if you have a particular item in mind to purchase
  • can get a good bargain through bidding 
  • Bidding can be frustrating and disheartening 
  • Postage Costs 
  • less reliable than shopping in a store
eBay is a good platform, but it is one I do not h use often anymore. The image quality is usually really bad and it's hard to visualize the items on. Also, its very time consuming trying to find an item that you want due to the amount of listings. Bidding may be frustrating - but my biggest tip if you find something you like, but in a bid that is the highest you would like to pay for it. If you don't win it, then that means that it sold for more than you think it's worth.

5. Depop

eBay's trendy younger sibling.

  • Online
  • All items are very current and on trend 
  • good if you are searching for something in particular 
  • Easy to use format 
  • Room to negotiate on prices 
  • Heavily influenced by street style
  • Can be overpriced 
  • Postage Costs
  • Less reliable than shopping in a store
  • More aimed at the younger generation (teens to early 20s) 
Depop is my favourite online thriting platform, I am very much influenced by street style and younger trends so it has everything I want all together. I also love the instagram like layout, it makes is super nice and easy to shop. Some items might be overpriced but you can find some hidden gems, and can always try and negotiate on price and bundles from the same seller.

I do have my own depop shop (if any of you are interested), I buy that much stuff all the time that I need a good clear out near enough every month. I donate most of it, but list my favourite pieces on my depop. My username is @emmalouisloves Or click here.

Rugby Shirt - Charity Shop , but was inspired by pieces by Lazy Oaf / The Ragged Priest
Joggers - Select Fashion ( also in the sale) Link: here
Boots - Charity Shop, but originally from Ecco. I bought these boots as a take on the sock boot trend which is everywhere at the minute.

So there is my roundup of the 5 different ways to thrift, something to note is that my preferences might not be the same as yous. My pros might be your cons, etc. etc. You just need to find out what works best for you, and what your preferences are (I just felt like sharing my own!) If you want to, leave a comment if you're an avid thrifter too, and what some of your all time favourite purcheses are! That's it for today, so till next time..


My Divided Style

Hello, Hello!

As some of you may know, I work at H&M, and this fun opportunity came up for us to showcase our Divided Style - and I thought there was no better way for me to showcase that then through a blog post. So throughout all of University, (Molly, if you're reading this you'll remember!) most of my spare time, and money was spent on Divided. It was the go too look. To me Divided is fresh, trendy, and bold. It mixes patterns, prints and colours and definitely has a street style vibe. It's look is one that definitely appeals mostly to the teenage- early /mid 20s range, and I love how bold and statement some of the items are. I also love the collaborations with either music artists, or companies such as Looney Tunes and Disney. The trends are kept bold and playful, and that's what I love the most. So here is #MyDividedStyle

So I decided to style my favourite Divided piece at the minute, the iconic Snoop Dogg T shirt. These tops have become super popular, especially with our others with Cher and Whitney Houston on. However, Snoop is more me (and is someone I listen too). The link to the T-Shirt is here  - but I think it's sold out in most sizes, maybe pop into your local store too see if they have them in stock, I know our shop does. So I decided to keep in the urban / early 2000s feel by styling them with these amazing camo trousers. Camo is everywhere this season, it is high trend and super stylish. I think it adds a cool print and vibe to this outfit and makes me feel like Missy Elliot / Ciara circa. early 2000s.

To finish the look of I thought I would add in some red,because it is still my favourite at the minute. I added an extra layer with this mesh top, and added a feminine touch with my red kitten heel boots. And voila! That's my divided style look complete. I am fully obsessed with this look and the edgy, urban street style look is gives. I think Divided clothing is where you can rely on something that expresses your personality, and lets you be unapologetic-ally yourself. Take no prisoners.


Fighting Failure

Everyone in some way or another deals with the feeling of failure at least once or twice in their life, it is inescapable. However I think as a generation we are one which puts this unimaginable pressure on ourselves for absolute perfection / greatness, and with that becomes a feeling of failure when we almost always not failing. We are all a subject to it, and I've noticed it a hell of a lot more with myself now that I've graduated.
Being a University Grad who has moved back home with her parents and is doing a job which has no correlation with her degree, I can safely say that I have been feeling like a failure with a capital F. I can't seem to shake the feeling, even though deep down I'm not. It's stupid because I know chances of going into your dream job / career after University are slim, but it still left the question in my head, what was the point?
I've noticed that ever since I graduated, I have put this mass amount of pressure on myself to always be busy and challenging myself. I think in part it is to stop me feeling like a failure, and the other part is so I don't feel like I'm wasting my life away. If there is one thing I am most scared of in this world, it is dying and feeling like I haven't lived a full life and experienced all the world has to offer. Which in turn means that when I get in a routine in my life, I get scared and irritable at the idea of seeing and doing the same thing everyday, in my eyes it's a waste. This is a love / hate relationship that I have with my restless soul almost every day.

Never the less I also have another equal passion in life, and one that without my degree I don't think I would've realised, and also one that my self pity has been hiding from me ever since I graduated. My biggest dream and goal in life is to use the power of film to raise awareness and be able to educate on certain topics. These topics are areas of discussion that aren't talked about enough, i.e. mental health, sexual abuse, child abuse, lower classes etc. I want to represent the underrepresented. I come from / live with and deal with so many of these on the daily and the lack of knowledge and overused negative/wrongful stereotypes is astounding. I want to use my voice to try and reach out to people, to be relatable to those going through something similar and to open up peoples perspectives. This is an end goal / dream of mine, and it's not about doing it as a career or for money, it's about feeling like I am doing something that can help to change our perspectives, it's about feeling and being a part of something much bigger. This is a way for me to feel like my life isn't going to waste, and fights my restlessness as mentioned before. 

You see, up until I sat down to write out and draft this post, I  had completely lost sight of what I wanted to achieve from my life. I was drowning in my feeling of failure that I failed to realise how much of a success I am. Every day I was drifting away from my dream, I was letting the comfort of my reality and my routine life take over, and my dream was drifting away. Now I have full grasp again I am never letting go. So, I am going to start my planning and pre-production for a short film that I have wanted to make for the longest time, and I am going to make it happen. We have so much available at our fingertips, we just need to reach out and grab it and not get weighed down by the negativeness. 

So to anyone out there who is in a similar position to me and feels like a failure, just remember that you are a success. Just by living you are a success. Do not let it cloud your judgment and let you forget about your dreams, everyone needs a dream. All you have to do is remind yourself what is truly important to you, and keep a hold of it.

P.S. to keep me on track and motivated with my short film, I am doing to write a blog post every month marking my progress, if your interested in that - keep your eyes peeled!


An Outcast Fairy

Hello, Hello! 
Today we are taking a trip down my creative mythical side of my brain to bring you this super fun and colourful fairy concept shoot. When I was on one of my walks I found this spot and the look and theme just instantly came to mind, so I ran home got all my stuff together, makeup props and outfit - and returned to shoot it in that same day. So, here is the photo-set and the story alongside with it. 

This is the visual story of a lost fairy who has lost her wings because she rebelled and was outcast. She is a spoiled teenager who had everything handed to her, but now she has to work everything out for herself and learn how to be appreciative. This old tree truck is the portal in which she has come into the human realm, lost and unable to use her powers. 

All she has is her spell book and crystal but they have lost their charge, and she has lost her powers. She has to learn the value of respect, and until then she is banished here until she can learn, and her parents thought there was no better place for her to learn this than from than the humans. Here she still thinks her family are going to come and get here - like they always have in the past so she is bored and waiting to be brought home. At this point she doesn't understand the seriousness of the situation, she's just annoyed. 

Now she is super bored of waiting, and it's starting to hit here that she isn't getting the help that she always used to. Her guard is starting to come down as she realises that she has pushed them too far this time. As she comes from a wealthy high societal family, she didn't get the attention and love she felt she deserved from her family. They used money and possessions to show their affection,  but in retrospect this just made her crave their attention more and more, and she decided that bad attention was better than none. But now she's alone and has to find her way back to explain to her parents how she feels. 

Now she's returned to the portal where she came from and is wishing and hoping that her parents can see what they did and why she acted the way she did, as she struggles to find her way back, but is also deciding if that is even the place where she belongs. 

So, that was my fairy concept photoshoot, I adored doing this. Getting into the character, getting really into the shoot and covered in dirt, it was so much fun and I want to try and do more shoots likes this. The location was just perfect and I couldn't miss shooting in it, and I am so glad I did. These turned out perfect, exactly as I hoped they was. Photo credits go to my Mum (she is honestly the best), and the makeup, styling, and theme was all brought to you by my little brain. I hope you all love this as much as me! These are honestly my favourite photos to date, and I love my little story I have alongside them. 


Ice Cream Girls

Hello, hello!

For today's look I thought I'd try something a bit different. As you can probably already tell, I am all about bold and primary colours - not so much the pastel hues. However with us coming into Spring, you cannot deny that pastel tones are always one of the biggest trends. According to Vogue this is one of the biggest trends for Spring / Summer coining them Ice cream Girls on the runway to read the article click here. So  I thought I would have a play with the trend, and put my own spin on it.

I thought while playing with Spring / Summer trends I would incorporate another one, mesh / sheer clothing. I decided to team this really pretty and delicate ruffled (oh, actually this is also another trend!) sheer floral top from the New Look sale (not available online, unfortunately!) over my oversized pastel pink t shirt (similar here). I really enjoy the play on textures, I think it adds some dimension to the look with the colours being so muted, I needed to add some interest and playfulness.
With the basis of the look being very feminine I really wanted to juxtapose that with more masculine and/or grungy details. So I decided to wear these metallic pleated culotte trousers (they're out of stock on the asos website, but the link is here). I think that these add a really cool effortlessness to the look, and make the look much more me. It adds a touch of masculinity, which I think this look needs. But also creates me interesting tones and textures with the metallic hue. I think combined with with the oversized biker leather jacket it makes the look more edgy and almost glam rock! I thought I'd show two options with the footwear, to dress it up and down. The chunky caged heels compliment the more rocker / grunge side to the look and compliment the biker jacket really well, and the trainers add an effortless urban street style vibe that is more everyday.
For the last few finishing touches, I decided on my pastel pink beret / baker boy hat hybrid, to play in with the pastel feminine tones, and my hot pink fishnet socks which add to the more grungey / rocker feel. All in all I think what I like the most about this look is the way everything contrasts each other yet still works as a combined look. I will say I'm not still 100% on the pastel trend, however I am willing to give it another shot.